• Linking existing products on Shopee

    There are 2 ways to link existing products: Mass Action: Link all products (recommended for initial onboarding) Bulk Action: Link selected products Mass Action All existing products on Shopee can be linked with Shopify by using SKU info. Product with matching SKU will be linked. Steps: Ensure that the SKU has been…

  • I have an issue that Marketplace inventory is not updated

    By default, any inventory changes on Shopify (whether due to new order on Shopify, or manual update on Shopify) will be pushed to Marketplace. But this might not happen if the products on Marketplace are under promotion. However, if the issue is not because of products under promotion on Marketplace,…

  • How inventory syncing works

    Osco will keep the inventory up-to-date between Shopify and Marketplace in real-time with the following mechanism: Inventory update on Shopify will be pushed to MarketplaceAny changes to Shopify inventory will be pushed to Marketplace. The inventory changes can be triggered either by new order on Shopify, or manual product updates on Shopify….

  • Will Shopify inventory be updated if Import Order is disabled

    Yes, Shopify inventory will always be adjusted according to the quantity of products sold from Marketplace Order (regardless of whether import order is enabled / disabled), as long as the products are already synced. However, if products are unsynced, then Shopify inventory will not be adjusted, because we do not…

  • How importing orders into Shopify works

    Flow If you enable this on the Settings page, new orders from Marketplace will be imported into Shopify in real-time with the following mechanism: Imported Order will be tagged with the name of Marketplace, and have a note of the Marketplace order ID Status of imported Order will be paid and unfulfilled If the order from Marketplace…

  • I have an issue that product title is not synced

    If you enable product title as one of the attributes to be synced on Settings page, then changing Shopify product title will update Marketplace’s product title. However, there is an exception for Tokopedia. Product title on Tokopedia can no longer be updated if there is already at least 1 transaction happening on…

  • I have an issue that product status is not synced

    If you enable product status as one of attributes to be synced on Settings page, then Marketplace product status will follow Shopify’s: Active product on Shopify will set Marketplace product as active Draft product on Shopify will set Marketplace product as inactive However, there is an exception for Tokopedia. Out App might also set your Marketplace…

  • What happens if I update variants on Marketplace

    Adding, removing, or updating variants on Marketplace will not update Shopify’s. This will also be temporary, because when there is product update on Shopify, the variants on Marketplace will be updated to mirror Shopify’s.