• How to add products to Tokopedia

    To add products to Tokopedia, go to Products page using the top navigation. Find the products that you would like to add to Tokopedia by using the filters or search function Select the products to be added by ticking the checkboxes Click Add to Tokopedia from the bulk action button…

  • Setting up Osco

    After you install Osco and select one of the plans, you’ll be redirected to Settings page where you can setup the connection as well as how you would like Osco to sync your products. Below are the steps that you can follow to setup Osco: Connect your Tokopedia shopYou can…

  • How to connect my Tokopedia shop

    To connect your Tokopedia shop, click Settings on the top navigation and then Connect button for Tokopedia account. You will then be prompted to input your Tokopedia shop domain. You can find your Tokopedia shop domain from the URL of your tokopedia shop homepage (ie: tokopedia.com/<myshopdomain>). After you submit your…